Philosophy of Education

I am committed to providing the highest quality of learning possible for my students in every class which I teach.  I work hard while preparing for and delivering my English lessons.  I do so in a very encouraging and well-planned manner because I know the future success of my students greatly depends on how well they achieve academic success.

My guiding principles are that all students will:

(1) succeed at performing organized, clear and fun activities,

(2) enjoy learning English, and

(3)  work together as a team.

The general format of my learning activities follows the cycle of introducing and relating the lesson’s English skills, goals, and topic to their own life, followed by guided practice and substitution, and then group communicative work.

Throughout all of the lesson, I encourage and guide my students in order to ensure that all of them are actively involved in learning and using English correctly to the best of their ability.

So that my students can review and reinforce what they have studied for a particular day, I have them regularly take short notes as well as complete related homework.

Seeing my students work hard at learning English, and making progress day by day, are truly fulfilling joys in life.